Reply to: Joia Noel Lucht []
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 4:22 PM
From: Becky Price
Subject: Re: gluten free struggle
By the way, I cook exclusively with olive oil. When I bake, I substitute apple sauce for olive oil. Both are compatible with a GF diet, correct? yes
Also, is gluten found in any common spices? sometimes. I had assumed it wasn't, RULE 1: NEVER assume anything. Always read the labels carefully. but since you mentioned that some baking soda contains gluten not normally baking soda, but baking powder yes. , I've been concerned about where else it might be hiding. avoid hydrolyzed vegetable protein. Pure spices like cinnamon, cumin, garlic, etc. are usually fine. Most Mrs. Dash and Perfect Pinch are ok. See RULE 1.
good resource for hidden gluten: