Sunday, May 27, 2012

liver cleanse info

If you are having Gallbladder problems or chronic allergies, this is worth looking into. It's not for everyone, but I can't find anything that says it will hurt you. 


I think it has helped my allergy symptoms.  I've done it twice with the help of Kathleen Chang Williams.  I'll probably do it at least once a year. 


Here's a website with good info.


The instruction for the procedure starts with

The Liver Flush another perspective


I took some herbs and had an acupuncture treatment before I did mine.  This talks about drinking apple juice as prep.  The ingredients and instructions are very similar to what I did.  I just used water with the Epson salts and lemon juice because I don't like grapefruit.  Just enough to cut the olive oil, and help emulsify it, but keep the amount you have to drink to a minimum.


The last time I skipped the last doses of Epson salts.  I stopped taking it once the cleansing started.  I also learned to eat light at lunch the day before.  Eating too much will make you feel sick.



Becky Bailes Price

My cell:  361-442-9308  |


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